The twelve solar hierarchies are twelve mandalas of cosmic beings who ensoul the twelve facets of God's consciousness. They are identified through the twelve names of the zodiac and release these energies of God to the earth through the constellations. We can visualize these twelve hierarchies as a number, or line of the “cosmic clock.” Each hierarchy has one hundred and forty four thousand cosmic beings that serve under it, and each being in turn has one hundred and forty four thousand angels under their command. The twelve solar hierarchies and their twin flames are represented at the Court of the sacred fire on Sirius by the Four-and-Twenty Elders. These elders have appointed ascended master representatives to help mankind, because they themselves were able to overcome the challenges and anchor the victory of the energies of God on each line of the clock.

12 o'clock line --Solar Hierarchy of Capricorn

The hierarch for this line of the clock is the Great Divine Director with the seven archangels. These masters strengthen us to overcome criticism, condemnation and judgment, and all black magic. They help us to anchor the quality of God Power, that we may fulfill our divine plan.

1 o'clock line--Solar Hierarchy of Aquarius

The hierarch for this line of the clock is Saint Germain and the angelic hosts of light. These masters strengthen us to overcome hatred, mild dislike and all witchcraft. They help us to anchor the quality of God Love, that we may fulfill our divine plan.


2 o'clock line--Solar Hierarchy of Pisces

The hierarch for this line of the clock is Jesus and the great hosts of ascended masters. These masters strengthen us to overcome doubt, fear, human questioning and records of death. They help us to anchor the quality of God Mastery, that we may fulfill our divine plan.


3 o'clock line--Solar Hierarchy of Aries

The hierarch for this line of the clock is Helios and the Great Central Sun Magnet. These masters strengthen us to overcome conceit, deceit, arrogance and ego. They help us to anchor the quality of God Control, that we may fulfill our divine plan.


4 o'clock line--Solar Hierarchy of Taurus

The hierarch for this line of the clock is God-Obedience and the seven mighty Elohim. These masters strengthen us to overcome disobedience, stubbornness and defiance of the law. They help us to anchor the quality of God Obedience, that we may fulfill our divine plan.


5 o'clock line--Solar Hierarchy of Gemini

The hierarch for this line of the clock is El Morya and the legions of Mercury. These masters strengthen us to overcome envy, jealousy and ignorance of the law. They help us to anchor the quality of God Wisdom, that we may fulfill our divine plan.


6 o'clock line--Solar Hierarchy of Cancer

The hierarch for this line of the clock is Serapis Bey and the great Seraphim and Cherubim. These masters strengthen us to overcome indecision, self-pity and self-justification. They help us to anchor the quality of God Harmony and Supply, that we may fulfill our divine plan.


7 o'clock line--Solar Hierarchy of Leo

The hierarch for this line of the clock is the Goddess of Liberty and the Lords of Karma. These masters strengthen us to overcome ingratitude, thoughtlessness and spiritual blindness. They help us to anchor the quality of God Gratitude, that we may fulfill our divine plan.


8 o'clock line--Solar Hierarchy of Virgo

The hierarch for this line of the clock is Lord Lanto and the Lords of Wisdom. These masters strengthen us to overcome the sense of injustice, frustration and anxiety. They help us to anchor the quality of God Justice, that we may fulfill our divine plan.


9 o'clock line--Solar Hierarchy of Libra

The hierarch for this line of the clock is Mighty Victory and the Lords of Individuality. These masters strengthen us to overcome dishonesty, intrigue and treachery. They help us to anchor the quality of God Reality, that we may fulfill our divine plan.


10 o'clock line--Solar Hierarchy of Scorpio

The hierarch for this line of the clock is Cyclopea and the Lords of Form. These masters strengthen us to overcome selfishness, narcissism and idolatry. They help us to anchor the quality of God Vision, that we may fulfill our divine plan.


11 o'clock line--Solar Hierarchy of Sagittarius

The hierarch for this line of the clock is Lord Maitreya and the Lords of Mind. These masters strengthen us to overcome resentment, revenge and retaliation. They help us to anchor the quality of God Victory, that we may fulfill our divine plan.

The picture below is the Rosacea of the Cathedral of Saint Denis, on the outskirts of Paris. Etched in glass, we find a representation of the twelve solar hierarchies.



Lords of Form, Lords of Individuality,
Lords of Wisdom and Lords of Mind

The Lords of Form, Lords of Individuality, Lords of Wisdom and Lords of Mind are part of the conception and creation of cosmos. We can call to these great beings to reconsecrate life, to assess our souls, to realign the atomic structure of our physical bodies, and to help us be at peace with the mind of Christ. We can also call upon them to send forth a wavelength for the receding of the nefarious deeds and consciousness of the fallen ones.

In the book, On Fire For God by Alex and Margaret Reichardt, we find a practical teaching about these lords that Elizabeth Clare Prophet shared with one of her students. She said that when you have challenging situations at work, you can call to these great beings of light to bring the answers to your requests in a tangible, physical way.



Listen to how you can anchor the energies of the twelve hierarchies in your life through four divine archetypes